




I woke up this morning saying it was a beautiful day, that the sun was shining. In fact, of course, it was not such a beautiful day, perfectly overcast, cold and icy, still quite a lot of snow on the old building’s roof just opposite my windows. The child says “no it’s not” but I keep repeating like a machine, “it’s beautiful day”, “the sun is shining” she replies endlessly “no, it’s not”. I take her to school and by the time I go out from the café with my girlfriend where I met my cool web designer for the first time; it’s a beautiful day. I go back home alone, since my girlfriend decided to have another coffee but with her father, and I try and reach my brother who was supposed to give me some feedback on the soundtrack for my teaser for Blind willow. Something terribly wrong with my phone makes it impossible for me to communicate with France. It’s like a little annoying game, someone calls, I pick up the phone and it just dies. Communication is altogether seems to be an issue for me these days. Maybe that’s why I’m in Budapest? The soundtrack is almost done, just need to tweak a little the final earthquake sounds.

I’m considering using this music for the first part of the teaser:

